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Citations from other research groups: >500 (up to May 2014) |
- Kanarachos, A. and Provatidis H. (2000), Finite elements in Mechanical Engineering, Papasotiriou Publ., Athens. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 2)
- Kanarachos, A. and Provatidis H. (2000), Finite elements in Mechanical Engineering - Exercises, Papasotiriou Publ., Athens. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 2)
- de Paula C. F. (2001), Contribuição ao estudo das respostas numéricas não-lineares estática e dinâmica de estruturas reticuladas planas, Ph.D. Thesis, Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 5)
- Chung, S.W., Choi, Y.J., Kim, S.J. (2003), Computational simulation of localized damage by finite element remeshing based on bubble packing method, CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 4 (6), pp. 707-718. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Han, Z.D., Atluri, S.N. (2003), Truly meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) solutions of traction and displacement BIEs, CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 4 (6), pp. 665-678. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Atluri, S.N., Han, Z.D., Shen, S.(2003), Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approaches for solving the weakly-singular traction and displacement boundary integral equations ,CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 4 (5), pp. 507-517. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Nichols, J.M., and Abell, A.B., (2003), Implementing the degrading effective stiffness of masonry in a finite element model, 9th NAMC, Clemson. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Rojas, A.I.A., (2003), Initial conditions contribution in frequency domain analysis of scalars wave propagation with boundary element method, Ph.D. Thesis (in Portuguese), COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 7)
- Nicolaou, P.G. (2004), Static and seismic, elastic and inelastic analysis of Arta Bridge with 2-D and 3-D finite elements, M.Sc Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras. (Ph.D. Thesis)
- Nicolaou, P.G. (2004), Static and seismic, elastic and inelastic analysis of Arta Bridge with 2-D and 3-D finite elements, Master's Thesis, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Patras. (Technical Report No.

- Nicolaou, P.G. (2004), Static and seismic, elastic and inelastic analysis of Arta Bridge with 2-D and 3-D finite elements, M.Sc Thesis, Dep? of Civil Engineering, University of Patras. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.1)
- Nicolaou, P.G. (2004), Static and seismic, elastic and inelastic analysis of Arta Bridge with 2-D and 3-D finite elements, M.Sc Thesis, Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Patras. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- van 't Hof B. et al. (2004) Haalbaarheidsstudie PhaFEM, koppeling van PHATAS met een Eindige-Elementenpakket. Technical Report TR03-04, Delft, Nederland. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Nichols, J.M., (2004), The Degrading Effective Stiffness of Masonry Finite Element Model: Amendments to Allow for a Non-Symmetric Damage Element, Australian Masonry Conference, July 2004, Newcastle, Australia. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Furumura, T. and Chen L., (2004), Large Scale Parallel Simulation and Visualization of 3D Seismic Wave field Using the Earth Simulator, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science, Vol. 6, pp. 153-168. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Carrer, J.A.M. and Mansur, W.J. (2004), Alternative time-marching schemes for elastodynamic analysis with the domain boundary element method formulation, Computational Mechanics, Vol.34, pp. 387-399. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 7)
- Murtagh, P.J., Basu, B., Broderick, B.M. (2004) Simple models for natural frequencies and mode shapes of towers supporting utilities, Computers and Structures 82 (20-21), pp. 1745-1750. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Miers, L.S., Telles, J.C.F. (2004) A general tangent operator procedure for implicit elastoplastic BEM analysis, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 6 (5), pp. 431-439. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Souza, L.A., Carrer, J.A.M., Martins, C.J. (2004) A fourth order finite difference method applied to elastodynamics: Finite element and boundary element formulations, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 17(6), pp. 735-749. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 7)
- Mansur, W.J., Abreu, A.I., Carrer, J.A.M.(2004) Initial conditions contribution in frequency-domain BEM analysis CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences 6 (1), pp. 31-42. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 7)
- Cotsovos, D.M. (2004) Numerical Modelling of Structural Concrete under Dynamic Loading (Earthquake and Impact). Ph.D. Thesis, University of London. U.K. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Wu, J.Y. (2004) Damage energy release rate-based elastoplastic damage constitutive model for concrete and its application to nonlinear analysis of structures. Ph.D. Thesis, Tongji University, China. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Wu, J.Y. (2004) Damage energy release rate-based elastoplastic damage constitutive model for concrete and its application to nonlinear analysis of structures. Ph.D. Thesis, Tongji University, China. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.3)
- Bertoldi,K. Brun, M. and Bigoni, D. (2005), A new boundary element technique without domain integrals for elastoplastic solids, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 64, pp. 877-906. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Nguyen G.D. (2005), A Thermodynamic Approach to Constitutive Modelling of Concrete using Damage Mechanics and Plasticity Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Soares, D., Carrer, J.A.M. and Mansur W.J. (2005), Non-linear elastodynamic analysis by the BEM: an approach based on the iterative coupling of the D-BEM and TD-BEM formulations, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 29, pp. 761-774. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 7)
- Cotsovos, D.M. Pavlovic M.N. (2005), Numerical investigation of RC structural walls subjected to cyclic loading, Computers and Concrete, 2(3), pp. 215-238. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Jie L., Ying W.J. (2005), Elastoplastic damage constitutive model for concrete based on damage energy release rates. Part I: Basic formulations. China Civil Engineering Journal, 38(9), pp.14-20. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Cotsovos, D.M. Pavlovic M.N. (2005), Numerical modelling of structural concrete under impact loading, 5th GRACM International Congress of Computational Mechanics, Limassol, Cyprus. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Murtagh, P.J., Basu, B., Broderick, B.M. (2005) Along-wind response of a wind turbine tower with blade coupling subjected to rotationally sampled wind loading, Engineering Structures 27 (8), pp. 1209-1219. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Farkas J., Jármai K., Negrão J.H., (2006) Cost comparison of a tubular truss and a ring-stiffened shell structure for a wind turbine tower, 11th International Symposium and 11th International Conference on Tubular Structures, Québec, Canada. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Ural A., Dogangun A., Gorkem S.E. (2006) Stone Masonry Arch Bridges in Turkey and Analysis of a Sample Bridge Including Nonlinear Behavior, In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Restoration of Heritage Masonry Structures, Cairo, Egypt. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.1)
- Wang J., Wang F. (2006) A study on approximate determination of the fundamental frequency of non-uniform tower structure, Jiangsu University Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Carrer J.A.M., Mansur W.J. (2006), Time-domain BEM Formulation Applied to the Solution of the Scalar Wave Equation: a Step-by-Step Approach, Advances In Boundary Element Techniques VII, Gatmiri B., Sellier A., Aliabadi M.H. (Eds), Paris, France. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Xu, J.-X., Liu, X.-L. (2006), Simulation of initial concrete damage and its application in earthquake analysis of gravity dams, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/J. Shanghai Jiaotong University 40 (6), pp. 1038-1041. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Wu, J.Y., Li, J., Faria, R. (2006), An energy release rate-based plastic-damage model for concrete, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (3-4), pp. 583-612.(Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Sun, Y.-Z., Yu, T.-Q. (2006), Coupling analysis of fracture and damage mechanics of concrete failure, J. Shenyang Jianzhu University (Natural Science) 22(1), pp. 53-56. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Farkas, J., Jarmai, K., Negrao, J.H. (2006), Cost comparison of a tubular truss and a ring-stiffened shell structure for a wind turbine tower Welding in the World 50 (SPEC. ISS.), pp. 312-319. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Xu, L., Sun, J, Liu, Y. (2006), Fire resistance of bar-reinforced concrete filled steel columns, International Conference on Steel-Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures, Harbin, China. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.8)
- Czyz, T., Fedelinski, P. (2006), Boundary element formulation for dynamic analysis of inelastic structures, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 13 (3), pp. 379-394. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Wang J. (2006), The Impact of Strength on the Seismic Performance of Frames, Master's Thesis, European School for Advanced Studies in Reduction of Seismic Risk - Rose School, Pavia, Italy. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 23)
- Soares, D., Telles, J.C.F., Mansur, W.J. (2006), Boundary elements with equilibrium satisfaction - A consistent formulation for dynamic problems considering non-linear effects, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 65 (5), pp. 701-713. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Carrer, J.A.M. , Mansur, W.J. (2007) A step-by-step approach in the time-domain BEM formulation for the scalar wave equation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 27, 6, pp. 683-696. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Kokkinou E.M. (2007) Vibration Trace of Gorgopotamos Railroad Bridge Using Robotic Theodolite (RTS), Master's Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Patras. (Paper in Conference Proceedings No. 17)
- Ural A.and Dogangun A. (2007), Arch bridges in East Blacksea Region of Turkey and effects of infill materials on a sample bridge, in Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Arch Bridges, Madeira, Portugal. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.1)
- Uys, P.E., Farkas, J., Jarmai, K., van Tonder, F. (2007) Optimisation of a steel tower for a wind turbine structure, Engineering Structures 29 (7), pp. 1337-1342. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Lo L., Li Z., Lu L. (2008). Reinforcing steel single-tube analysis of wall openings in communications tower. Special Structures, 25 (2), 20-24. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Cotsovos, D.M., Pavlovic M.N. (2008), Numerical investigation of concrete subjected to high rates of uniaxial tensile loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 35 (5), pp. 319-335. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Farkas J, Jarmai K (2008), Design and Optimization of Metal Structures. Horwood Publishers, Chichester, UK. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Liu JL, Lue DM, Chung PT, Chen KY. (2008) A numerical approach for the strength evaluation of CFTS based on the current ACI code. EASEC-11 - Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 19-21 Nov. 2008, Taipei, Taiwan. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Cotsovos, D.M. Pavlovic M.N. (2008), Numerical investigation of concrete subjected to compressive impact loading. Part 1: A fundamental explanation for the apparent strength gain at high loading rates, Computers and Structures 86 (1-2), pp. 145-163. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Ribeiro, T.S.A., Beer, G., Duenser, C. (2008) Efficient elastoplastic analysis with the boundary element method Computational Mechanics 41 (5), pp. 715. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Ribeiro, T.S.A., Beer, G., Duenser, C. (2008) Efficient elastoplastic analysis with the boundary element method Computational Mechanics 41 (5), pp. 715. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Ribeiro, T.S.A., Beer, G., Duenser, C. (2008) Efficient elastoplastic analysis with the boundary element method Computational Mechanics 41 (5), pp. 715. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Xu Y., Sun W., Zhou J., (2008), Static and dynamic analysis of wind turbine tower structure, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 33-37, pp 1169-1174. (Technical Report No. 2)
- Soares, D., (2008) Dynamic elastoplastic analysis by a hybrid BEM-FEM time-domain formulation, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45(16), pp. 4474-4483 (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Nguyen G.D. and Korsunsky A.M. (2008), Development of an approach to constitutive modelling of concrete: isotropic damage coupled with plasticity, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 45 (20), pp. 5483-5501. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Sirqueira ADS, (2008), Behavior of structural steel towers for the support of wind turbines, Master's Thesis, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Brazil. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- W. Barham, A. Aref, G. Dargush (2008), On the elastoplastic cyclic analysis of plane beam structures using a flexibility-based finite element approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 5688-5704. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Cotsovos, M.D., Pavlovic M.N., Cotsovos, D.M. (2008), Characteristic features of concrete behaviour: Implications for the development of an engineering finite-element tool. Computers and Concrete, 5(3), pp. 243-260. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Chen C.H., (2008), Application of Boundary Element Method on Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Anisotropic Rocks, Ph.D. Thesis (in Chinese), National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Da S. Sirqueira, A., Da S. Vellasco, P.C.G., Da Silva, J.G.S., De Lima, L.R.O., De Andrade, S.A.L. (2008), Computational modelling of the static and dynamic behaviour of wind turbine tower structures, Civil-Comp Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, CST 2008; Athens; Greece. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Esmaeili, S. (2008) Design of CFT columns, Paper No. 266,The 4th National Conference on Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.8)
- Gadus J. Jabbar S., Sedlar, J.P. (2008), An effective method for optimization of agricultural tools design, Optimization of Mechanical Systems EDIS, University of Zilina, Slovakia. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Pavlov, G.K. (2008), Design of health monitoring system to detect tower oscillations, Master Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Prowell I, Veletzos M, Elgamal A. (2008) Full Scale Testing for Investigation of Wind Turbine Seismic Response, 7th World Wind Energy Conference, June 23-26, 2008, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4).
- Shin, W.S., Kim, J.K. (2008), Seismic retrofit of flat plate structures by-post-tensioning and jacketing of columns. Korean Journal of Engineering, 24 (12), 2008, pp.67-74. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- He G.,Li J (2008). Seismic Analysis of Wind Turbine System Including Soil-Structure Interaction. In Proceedings of the 14th World Confer. on Earthquake Engineering, Paper 05-01-0196. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Niari, S.E., Abedi K., Afshin H. (2008), Finite Element Modeling of Fibre Reinforced CFT Columns, IABSE Symposium Report, IABSE Conference, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 17-24. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.8)
- Xuhua S., Tong M.T., Liwei C. (2008), Tower wind load calculation method based on the communication tower calculation using standard single-tube, Special Structure, 2, pp. 25-26. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Li. C. (2008) Researching on a Integrated Finite Element Model for Dynamic Response Analysis of Wind Turbine Structure, Special Structures, 25(2), pp. 17-19. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Cotsovos D. M., Stathopoulos N.D., Zeris C.A. (2008), Behavior of RC beams subjected to high rates of concentrated loading, Journal of Structural Engineering, 134(12), pp. 1839-1851. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.2)
- Prowell I., Veletzos M., Elgamal A.; Restrepo J. (2009), Shake Table Test of a 65KW Wind Turbine and Computational Simulation. In Proceedings of the 14th World Confer. on Earthquake Engineering, Paper 12-01-0178. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Dias C.M. (2009), Comparative study of different materials for the construction of wind towers, Master's Thesis, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (in Portuguese). (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Chen C.S., Chen C.H., Pan E. (2009), Three-dimensional stress intensity factors of a central square crack in a transversely isotropic cuboid with arbitrary material orientations, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 33(2), pp. 128-136. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Rongzhen Z. (2009), Analysis of domestic and foreign large-scale horizontal axis wind turbines, Fan, 1, pp. 59-62. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Zhu B., Qin T. (2009) 3D modeling of crack growth in electro-magneto-thermo-elastic coupled viscoplastic multiphase composites, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33(2), pp. 1014-1041. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Ju YK, Kim M.H., Kim J., Kim S.D. (2009), Component tests of buckling-restrained braces with unconstrained length, Engineering Structures, 31 (2), pp. 507-516. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Ju YK, Kim M.H., Kim J., Kim S.D. (2009), Component tests of buckling-restrained braces with unconstrained length, Engineering Structures, Vol. 31 (2), pp. 507-516. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.11)
- He G (2009) Seismic response analysis of wind turbine tower systems considering soil-structure interaction, Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 45 (7), pp. 87-94. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Prowell I, Veers P (2009) Assessment of wind turbine seismic risk: existing literature and simple study of tower moment demand, Sandia Report, Sandia National Laboratories, California. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Zhao Y-G, Lu Z-H, Jiang Y-C (2009). A simple formula for predicting the compressive strength of circular CFT stub columns. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. Vol. 8(1), pp.167-173 (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- He GL, Zhou Y, Li J (2009). Seismic analysis of wind turbine system, Gongcheng Lixue/Engineering Mechanics, 26(7), pp. 72-77. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Carrer JAM, Mansur WJ, Vanzuit RJ (2009) Scalar wave equation by the boundary element method: A D-BEM approach with non-homogeneous initial conditions, Computational Mechanics, 44(1), pp. 31-44. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Moustafa A (2009), The effect of energy concentration of earthquake ground motions on the nonlinear response of RC structures - Discussion, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29(7), pp. 1181-1183. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.9)
- Chu, TB (2009) Hollow steel section columns filled with self-compacting concrete under ordinary and fire conditions, Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Liège, Faculté des Sciences Appliquées, Liege, Belgium. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Chu, TB (2009) Hollow steel section columns filled with self-compacting concrete under ordinary and fire conditions, Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Liège, Faculté des Sciences Appliquées, Liege, Belgium. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.11)
- Pan. X (2009) Analysis of Research Situation of Domestic and Foreign Large-scale Wind Turbine with Axial and Horizontal Type, Compressor, Blower and Fan Technology, 1, 13-20. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Denavit, M. D., Hajjar, J. F., Perea, T. and Leon, R. T. (2009). Seismic Multi-Axial Behavior of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Beam-Columns. In Proceedings of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering Research, Urbana, Illinois, August 13-14, 2009. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Tu J., (2009) Stress Intensity Factors of Tearing Fracture (Mode III) on Anisotropic Rocks Using Boundary Element Method, Master's Thesis, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- He G. (2009), Seismic Response Analysis of Wind Turbine Tower Systems Considering Soil-structure Interaction, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 45, pp. 87-94. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- He G., Zhou Y., Li J. (2009). Seismic analysis of wind turbine system, Engineering Mechanics, 26(7), pp. 72-77. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Prowell I., Veletzos M., Elgamal A.; Restrepo J. (2009), Experimental and Numerical Seismic Response of a 65 kW Wind Turbine, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 13(8), pp. 1172-1190. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Sin W.S. (2009) Seismic Performance Evaluation of Flat Plate Structures According to Retrofitted Methods, Master Thesis, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Prowell I., Elgamal A., Lu J., Luco J.E. (2009), Modal properties of a modern wind turbine including SSI, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Hamza M et al. (eds), Alexandria, Egypt. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Li J., Chen J.Y. (2009), Review on dynamic research of offshore wind structures, The Ocean Engineering, 27(2), 752-758. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Luo L., Li Z., Lu L. (2009) Reinforcement Analysis to the Steel Communication Monopole with Opening on the Tube, Special Structures 25(2), pp. 315-319. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Chen C.H., Chen C.S., Pan E., Tseng H.C., Yu P.S. (2009), Boundary element analysis of mixed-mode stress intensity factors in an anisotropic cuboid with an inclined surface crack, Engineering Computations, 26(8), 1056-1073. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
- Prowell I., Elgamal A. and Jonkman J. (2009), FAST Simulation of Wind Turbine Seismic Response, 2009 Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Earthquake Engineering Research (ANCER) Workshop Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Jing, C.J. (2009), Research progress on offshore wind turbines structures, Mechanical-Naval Engineering, 2, pp. 124-129. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Sapountzakis, E.J. , Mokos, V.G. (2009), A displacement solution to transverse shear loading of composite beams by BEM, Computers, Materials & Continua, 10, pp. 1-39. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Sapountzakis, E.J. , Mokos, V.G. (2009), Buckling analysis of plates stiffened by parallel beams, Computers, Materials and Continua, 12(2), pp. 157-195. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Wei F. (2009), Reason Analysis of Blade Cracking in Catalytic Cracking Axial-flow Compressor Analysis. Compressor, Blower and Fan Technology, 1, 1-13. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Meilan A. and Tsouroukdissian A.R. (2009) Development and Adaptation of Wind Turbines to Typhoons and Earthquakes Conditions, In Proccedings of AESIEAP CEO 2009 Conference - Challenges and Opportunities of the Electric Power Industry in an Uncertain Era, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Meng W., Zangqi W., Huaibi Z. (2009), Analysis of wind-turbine steel tower by transfer matrix method, 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, Guilin, China. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Iranian Ministry of Road and Transportation (2009), Transportation Research Institute, Theoretical Fundamentals of Stone Bridges Analysis. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.1)
- Zhang S, Huang H. (2010). Offshore tension leg platform dynamic characteristics of wind turbine, Solar Journal, 31 (009), 1198-1203. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Perea, T. (2010). Analytical and experimental study on slender concrete-filled steel tube columns and beam-columns. Ph.D. Thesis. Georgia Institute of Technology. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Loureiro FS, Mansur, W.J. (2010), A novel time-marching scheme using numerical Green's functions: a comparative study for the scalar wave equation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199(23-24), pp.1502-1512. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Carrer, J.A.M., Mansur, W.J. (2010) Scalar wave equation by the boundary element method: A D-BEM approach with constant time-weighting functions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 81(10), 1281-1297. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Basu B. (2010), Tower design and analysis - Chapter 16. In Wind Power Generation and Wind Turbine Design, Wei T. (Ed), WIT-PRESS, Southampton. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Morrison K. (2010), The design of concrete filled steel arch bridges to EC4, Master's Thesis, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.8)
- Oliveira WLA, De Nardin S, El Debs ALHC, El Debs MK. (2010), Evaluation of passive confinement in CFT columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64(4), pp. 487-495. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Oliveira WLA, De Nardin S, El Debs ALHC, El Debs MK. (2010), Evaluation of passive confinement in CFT columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 64(4), pp. 487-495. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.11)
- Phansri B, Park KH and Warnitchai P (2010), A BEM formulation for inelastic transient dynamic analysis using domain decomposition and particular integrals, Computational Mechanics, 45, pp. 457-466. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.3)
- Phansri B, Park KH and Warnitchai P (2010), A BEM formulation for inelastic transient dynamic analysis using domain decomposition and particular integrals, Computational Mechanics, 45, pp. 457-466. (Book Chapter No. 4)
- Phansri B, Park KH and Warnitchai P (2010), A BEM formulation for inelastic transient dynamic analysis using domain decomposition and particular integrals, Computational Mechanics, 45, pp. 457-466. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.6)
- Hu, Yueming, (2010), Behaviour and modelling of FRP-confined hollow and concrete-filled steel tubular columns, Ph.D. Thesis, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Phansri B, Park KH and Warnitchai P (2010), A BEM formulation for inelastic transient dynamic analysis using domain decomposition and particular integrals, Computational Mechanics, 45, pp. 457-466. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.7)
- Kwak H., Kwak J. (2010), Development of nonlinear model for slender concrete in-filled steel tube column, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Nottingham U.K. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Phansri B, Park KH and Warnitchai P (2010), A BEM formulation for inelastic transient dynamic analysis using domain decomposition and particular integrals, Computational Mechanics, 45, pp. 457-466. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.12)
- Denavit, M. D. and Hajjar, J. F. (2010). Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Members and Frames, NSEL Report Series - Report No. NSEL-023, March 2010, Urbana, Illinois. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.10)
- Denavit, M. D. and Hajjar, J. F. (2010). Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Circular Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Members and Frames, NSEL Report Series - Report No. NSEL-023, March 2010, Urbana, Illinois. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.11)
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- Yu, H., Zeng, X., Lian, J. (2014) Seismic Behavior of Offshore Wind Turbine with Suction Caisson Foundation, Geo-Congress 2014, ASCE, February 23-26, Atlanta, GA. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 4)
- Chase JG, Boyer F, Rodgers GW., Labrosse G, MacRae GA. (2014) Probabilistic risk analysis of structural impact in seismic events for linear and nonlinear systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Early view. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 34)
- Chase JG, Boyer F, Rodgers GW., Labrosse G, MacRae GA. (2014) Probabilistic risk analysis of structural impact in seismic events for linear and nonlinear systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Early view. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 35)
- Pezo, M. L., & Bakic, V. V. (2014). Numerical determination of drag coefficient for guyed mast exposed to wind action. Engineering Structures, 62, 98-104. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 4)
- Rupp, J., Sezen, H., Chaturvedi, S. (2014), Axial behavior of steel-jacketed concrete columns, Steel and Composite Structures, 16(1), pp. 61-77. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 10)
- Chithira, K., Baskar, K. (2014), Experimental study on circular concrete filled steel tubeswith and without shear connectors, Steel and Composite Structures, 16(1), pp. 99-116. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 11)
- Shang, B., Liu, Z., & Zhuang, Z. (2014), Damage evaluation of reinforced concrete frame based on a combined fiber beam model. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 57(4), 723-730. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 27)
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- Khoshnoudian, F., H., Ahmadi, E., and Imaniazad, A. (2014), Damping coefficients for soil-structure systems and evaluation of FEMA 440 subjected to pulse-like near-fault earthquakes , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 61-62: 124-134. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.18)
- Khoshnoudian, F., H., Ahmadi, E., and Imaniazad, A. (2014), Damping coefficients for soil-structure systems and evaluation of FEMA 440 subjected to pulse-like near-fault earthquakes , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 61-62: 124-134. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.22)
- Khoshnoudian, F., H., Ahmadi, E., and Imaniazad, A. (2014), Damping coefficients for soil-structure systems and evaluation of FEMA 440 subjected to pulse-like near-fault earthquakes , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 61-62: 124-134. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.33)
- Skalomenos K. (2014), Seismic performance of plane moment resisting frames with concrete filled steel tube columns and steel I-beams. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Patras, Patras, Greece. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.8)
- Skalomenos K. (2014), Seismic performance of plane moment resisting frames with concrete filled steel tube columns and steel I-beams. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Patras, Patras, Greece. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.9)
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- Zhou, H., Wang, Y., Yang, L., & Shi, Y. (2014). Seismic low-cycle fatigue evaluation of welded beam-to-column connections in steel moment frames through global-local analysis. International Journal of Fatigue; 64: 97-113. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 31)
- Zhang, W., Jin, X., & Yang, Z. (2014). Combined equivalent & multi-scale simulation method for 3-D seismic analysis of large-scale shield tunnel. Engineering Computations, 31(3), 12-12. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 19)
- Lai, M. H., & Ho, J. C. M. (2014). Confinement effect of ring-confined concrete-filled-steel-tube columns under uni-axial load. Engineering Structures, 67, 123-141. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 10)
- Lai, M. H., & Ho, J. C. M. (2014). Confinement effect of ring-confined concrete-filled-steel-tube columns under uni-axial load. Engineering Structures, 67, 123-141. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No. 11)
- Zhou, J., Tang, K., Wang, H., & Fang, X. (2014). Influence of ground motion duration on damping reduction factor. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, In press. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.18)
- Pan, E., Dong, C., Sangghaleh, A., & Zhao, Y. (2014). Cracks in Transversely Isotropic and Inhomogeneous Elastic Solids. Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, 791-798. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.5)
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- Barcena-Pasamontes L. and Gomez-Torres F. (2014), Topology optimization of jacket support structures with genetic algorithm, Master's Thesis, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Pratesi F, Sorace S, Terenzi G, (2014) Analysis and mitigation of seismic pounding of a slender R/C bell tower, Engineering Structures Vol.71, pp. 23-34. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.34)
- Pratesi F, Sorace S, Terenzi G, (2014) Analysis and mitigation of seismic pounding of a slender R/C bell tower, Engineering Structures Vol.71, pp. 23-34. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.35)
- Liu N. (2014), Seismic response and failure modes of offshore wind power systems with composite cylindrical base: investigation of foundation using transmitting boundaries. Rock and Soil Mechanics, In press. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Jin X, Liu H. Wind turbine seismic load analysis based on numerical calculation. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, In Press. (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.4)
- Sandikkaya, M. A. (2014). Next generation pan-European ground-motion prediction equations for engineering parameters (Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University). (Paper in Refereed Archival Publications No.18)
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